Monday 18 December 2017

Baha'i Gardens

Haifa's most striking landmark is the splendid Baha'i Shrine and Gardens, located on the edge of the city centre. It is the second holiest shrine of the Baha'i Faith. The immaculate Baha'i Gardens, completed in 2001, are a tranquil memorial to the founders of the Baha'i Faith. Pilgrims come to Haifa from all parts of the world to pay homage to the first leaders of their religion, which emphasizes unity across cultures and religions.

Haifa is the international headquarters for the Baha'i Faith, which began amidst persecution in Persia in the mid-19th century. Baha'is believe in the unity of all religions and believe that messengers of God like Moses, Jesus and Muhammad have been sent at different times in history with doctrines varying to fit changing social needs, but bringing substantially the same message.

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